Saskia Niehl

Saskia Niehl played in her first string quartet at age 13 and consequently decided to study music. 

After completing degrees in Freiburg and Berlin, she is now studying violin in the soloist class of Prof. Elisabeth Kufferath at HMTM Hannover. 

With Alma Tedde, Nevena Tochev and Pietro Montemagni, she was a founding member of the Nerida Quartet in 2018.

Saskia enjoys an active musical life as chamber musician, orchestral player and soloist. In 2022, she won the special prize of Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben as a finalist in Deutscher Musikwettbewerb and went on to perform solo concerts with orchestras such as Kölner Kammerorchester or Norddeutsche Philharmonie Rostock. She has performed chamber music concerts in Philharmonie Berlin, NDR Sendesaal Hannover, Heidelberger Frühling, Gent Festival van Flaanderen and many other venues throughout Europe. Together with pianist Nasti, she develops sonata programs with a special focus on contemporary music and female composers.

From 2022-2024, she played as academist in Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and has been a regular guest of Münchener Kammerorchester since 2023.

When she has free time, Saskia loves knitting, languages and swimming in lakes.